What Will It Cost To Prepare My Taxes?
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When compared to such national chains as H&R Block, we charge 40-65% less than the competition. Here are some of the reasons why...
(1) We are an efficient home-based tax preparation service. We don't have to rent office space and don't have to pass that cost on to you.
(2) I have zero advertising expenses. All of our business is repeat customers or referrals. Another expense you are not paying for.
(3) Your fees do not support the "lifestyles of the rich and famous". The owner's main transportation is a bicycle - a very nice titanium Lynskey, but still - just a bike. No $75,000 SUV's in the driveway here.
Our rates for tax preparation are based on the quantity and type of forms that are necessary to complete your tax return. Below you will find a table which summarizes many of the rates we charge for the most frequently used forms. The rates listed are for mail-in refund-check returns. All of the rates shown below include the federal tax return, state tax return for one state, client copies, and mailing envelopes with correct postage already affixed. If you require a multi-state tax return, additional states are $30 extra (each state). Below are the charges that apply to our most commonly prepared forms. If your tax return requires forms not listed below, we will tell you in advance what forms are necessary and what charges will apply to those forms. If you're unhappy with your bill, you are free to walk away and take your tax documents elsewhere - you don't pay for services rendered until we both sign the return. Yes, I am that confident that my rates are among the most competitive available.
Below are some common combinations of tax forms and the charges for each. Electronic filing and direct deposit (if desired) are included in the below rates.
NOTE: An additional charge of $10 will apply to any return filed after March 31st. This charge does NOT apply to anyone who CANNOT file because they are waiting for a tax form to be provided (such as a K-1). I stop preparing returns on April 10th and resume tax preparation services May 1st. I do NOT work on tax returns from April 10th thru April 30th. I will NOT prepare prior year returns during the current year "busy" season - if you need to file prior year returns, the time to do that is May thru December, not the busiest part of the current year's filing season.
And Here are our Rates for Every Form
Full Rate Table Last Updated 01-01-2025
Real-Life Price Comparisons From New Customer H&R Block Me
Gerald G - 1040, W-2, A, B, C, D, CTC, 8949, EF $ 563 $ 185
1) Taxpayer(s), one W-2, nothing else | $ 75 |
2) Taxpayer(s), three W-2's, renter's credit | $ 100 |
3) Taxpayer(s), two W-2's, college expenses (form 8863) | $ 105 |
4) Taxpayer(s), two kids (CTC), one W-2, earned income credit (EIC), child care expenses (2441), head of household (HOH), child tax credit (CTC) | $ 145 |
5) Taxpayer(s), W-2(2), long form (itemized deductions, Schedule "A") | $ 130 |
6) Taxpayer(s), W-2(2), long form ("A"), home business or self-employment (Schedule"C") | $ 160 |
7) Taxpayer(s), W-2(2), long form ("A"), two rental properties (Schedule "E") | $ 190 |
1040 Basic Return (Included One W-2) | $ 75 | One W-2, Nothing Else |
"Taxes By Mail " (Remote Tax Prep) | $ 5 | We conduct a telephone interview and mail your completed tax returns and signature documents to you. You then sign and mail them back to me. All envelopes and postage included. |
Electronic Filing | $ 0 | Independent of refund method (check, direct deposit). No addl charge |
"Fee Collect" (3rd Party Fee Collection) | $ 30 | 3rd-Party will deduct my fees from your refund. I get paid when you get paid. They get $25, I get $5 for the application form |
2441 Child Care Credit | $ 20 | Add'l charges if more than 1 kid or 1 child care provider |
Federal Earned Income Credit | $ 20 | $10 if qualifying with no dependents |
State Earned Income Credit | $ 20 | $10 if qualifying with no dependents - Income must be < $30K |
Education Credit (Form 8863) | $ 20 | Credit for College Expenses (no 1098-T, no credit) |
Schedule "A" Itemized Deductions | $ 45 | Typical for Homeowners with Mortgages |
Schedule "B" Interest and Dividends | $ 5 | Includes two 1099-Int, $5/Pair Additional Forms |
Schedule "C" Self Employment | $ 35 | Includes Schedule "SE", $40 if Very Complex |
Schedule "D" Capital Gains | $ 15 | Primary form for Stock Sales |
Sale of Primary Residence | $ 15 | |
Schedule "E" Rental Income | $ 35 | Per Property - Multi-Units Count as One Property |
Form W-2 Wages and Earnings | $ 10 | |
Form W-2 Gambling Winnings | $ 7 | $7.50 per form rounded to nearest $5 total |
Form 1099-G | $ 5 | Unemployment or Paid Family Leave |
Form 1099-R or 1099-SSA | $ 7 | $7.50 per form rounded to nearest $5 total |
Form 982 Exclusion of Canceled Debt | $ 35 | |
Form 1099-C | $ 5 | Canceled Debt treated as Income |
Form 1310 | $ 15 | Claiming Refund for Deceased Taxpayer |
Form 3903 Moving Expenses | $ 15 | Currently limited to Active Duty Military |
Form 4137 | $ 10 | Payroll Tax on Unreported Tip Income |
Form 4797 | $ 35 | Sale of Business (or Rental) Property |
Form 5329 | $ 10 | Exclusion of Penalties on Retirement Income |
Form 5405 | $ 10 | Repayment of $15,000 Home Loan (2008) |
Form 5695 | $ 20 | Energy Credit (Insulation, Solar, Etc) |
Form 6251 | $ 5 | AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) |
Form 6252 | $ 10 | Installment Sale Income |
Form 7203 | $ 15 | Limitations on Losses due to Basis |
Form 7206 | $ 15 | Self Employed Health Insurance Deduction |
Form 8283 | $ 15 | Non-Cash Charity Donations Exceeding $ 500 |
Form 8396 | $ 20 | Mortgage Credit Certificate |
Form 8863 | $ 20 | Credit for College Expenses (no 1098-T, no credit) |
Form 8880 | $ 10 | Retirement Contribution Credit for Low Income |
Form 8917 | $ 10 | Tuition and Fees Deduction (if cannot qualify for 8863) |
Form 8936 | $ 25 | Electric Vehicle Credit |
Form 8949 | $ 5 | Sale of Stock (per transaction) |
Form 8959 / 8960 | $ 5 | ObamaCare Tax on Investment Income |
Form 8962 | $ 30 | Subsidized Health Care Coverage (From 1095-A) |
Form 8995 | $ 5 | Additional 20% deduction for Small Business income |
Form W-7 | $ 20 | Application for ITIN Number |
Child Tax Credit (Form 8812) | $ 5 | Child Tax Credit (currently $2,000 before limitations) |